Most children have their all time favourite stuffed plush toys, or stuffed animals but they can look a little worse for wear, especially with the love and attention they receive. It could be dirt from being dragged around, dust, spills, they all take their toll on your child’s stuffed toy. But how do we care for and clean these stuffed animals without ruining your child’s most prized possession? Lets take a look at how to clean stuffed plush toys from spot cleaning to handwashing your favourite toys.
Spot Cleaning Stuffed Plush Toys
If something accidently gets splits on child’s plush toy it is often best to deal with it straight away, and teddy is set for another day
- Liquid can be mopped up with some absorbent towelling
- By using a damp clean cloth to remove any stains
- Dry with a towel
- For stubborn stains try a mild detergent and cloth

Thoroughly Cleaning Teddy
Sometimes your child’s plush toy or stuffed animal gets past the point of spot cleaning and seriously needs a good clean to remove the grime and bacteria, lets look further into cleaning your stuffed plush toys.
Machine Washing
Check to see if your toy can be machined washed. If your lucky enough to still have labels check to see if it can be machined washed, it may be able to be placed in a laundry bag on gentle cycle.
If it can be machine washed
- Place the stuffed animal in a mesh laundry bag
- Launder on delicate cycle with cold water
- Rinse to remove soap, adding a touch of fabric softner to freshen
- Remove the toy from the bag and blot dry and let air to dry in the sun and fresh air
Maybe engage your child in the cleaning process and make wash time teddy’s bath time.

Toys that cannot be machined washed
There are some toys that obviously cannot be machined washed for several reasons
- they may be to large for your washing machine
- they may contain beads instead of soft pp filler
- they use batteries
- they have glued on parts like buttons
- they’re old and may not survive washing
- toys that are labelled ” not machine washable”
- old antique toys
- toys with rips or tears
How to Hand Wash Plush Toys
Hand washing plush toys may be a bit more time consuming but it may be the best way to save your favourite toy, especially if the toy is your child’s favourite. Always be sure to read the labels on the toy before cleaning
- fill a tub with warm water
- add some mild detergent or even baby bath soap
- submerge the plushie in the bath and let soak for 30 minutes
- agitate the toy in the water to help remove grime
- rinse of all the soap
- air dry your toy then use a dryer or soft brush to fluff back up

Washing Stuffed Toys
Your child’s stuffed plush toys are their prized possessions. Keeping them germ free and clean will ensure the length of life on your child’s most valued toy. Now that you know how to clean your toy easily, why not give them a regular cleaning schedule, you may find it more convenient when you clean your child’s bedding or you may choose to do more regularly if the toy becomes particularly dirty